Книга еврейской мудрости

Люди более моральны, чем они думают и гораздо более аморальны, чем могут себе вообразить.

Зигмунд Фрейд

Foner Sarah. A Woman's Voice. 2001. P. 54

 "The House of Malkiel began to shine. The brothers began to show the world their greatness, and these are their names; Shmuel, Kalan, Bartzig, Itza, and Zelig. The last of these was a great idiot, he lived in the Malkiel courtyard and the successful Shmuel supported him and his daughters, one of whom was also a great fool. I remember when Zelig walked in the courtyard, it was his job to drive all the children from the yard. Then the children would all hold up their little hands and wave "Shalom" to him, then with great speed extend their middle fingers, making him mad. Afterwards the little boys and girls would return and count on their hands how many middle fingers Zelig got that day, and this was a great amusement for the children."   

В статье упоминаются люди: Зелик Малкиель

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