Книга еврейской мудрости

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Еврейская мудрость

Gustaw Leon Glucksberg (1807-1870)

 The youngest son of Natan. He was an apprentice in Krzemieniec at his father’s company which Gustaw Leon managed between 1828 and 1831. In 1839 the youngest Glucksberg established a publishing bookstore at Senatorska Street in Warsaw. Afterwards, he moved it to an establishment at Miodowa Street so that the bookstore was adjacent to the bookstore of August Emanuel Glucksberg. Gustaw Leon published belles-lettres, including translations of “Hrabia Monte Christo” (“The Count of Monte Cristo”) by A. Dumas, translated by K. Witte or “Pamiętniki pogrobowe” (“Memoirs from Beyond the Grave”) by F. Chateaubriand, translated by L. Rogalski. Gustaw Leon published also works from the field of pedagogy, for example a series of books “Biblioteczka dla dobrych dzieci” (“A Book Collection for Good Children”). Numismatics was a life passion of G.L. Glucksberg. He gave advice and was an agent in selling numismatic collections. Glucksberg’s bookstore started to fall into decline in the 1850s. Eventually, Gustaw Leon Glucksberg gave up publishing and settled in a village where he lived.

В статье упоминаются люди: Густав Леон Глюксберг

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