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 Are you searching for an effective solution to keep your cat from wandering outside the premises of your property?

Cats use their claws to climb trees, which enables them to escape easily from traditional fencing, no matter how high you build the posts. Therefore, pet lover brands have come up with an ultimate solution which is inaccurately called an cat electric fence.

The electric cat collar fence system is specifically designed for cats. In this product, a special wire runs across the property. With the help of a digital transmitter, a radio signal runs through the cable. Cats need to wear a collar that acts as a receiver of the signal frequency. Whenever a cat escapes the boundary, the collar receives a harmless signal and an audible warning to keep the cat contained. After the audible warning, a customizable electronic stimulation is emitted that tells the cat to stay within the boundary.

The invisible fence for cats is a perfect solution to wandering cat problems. With complete adherence to training protocol, the fencing system is 99% effective in protecting the escape experts.

How to DIY an invisible cat fence?

You can DIY a cat fence according to the size of your property. From a small doorway to a 2-acre wide boundary, an electric fencing system can be built. To secure a property, consult with an expert to determine the best boundary configurations for optimum protection. Below is a list of some simple steps to create a cat fence from scratch:

Choose a trusted brand: It is important to ensure that the product you are buying is backed with the assurance of research and development. Most importantly, you should spend money on a product that comes with a lifetime equipment warranty.
Choose a suitable fencing system: The available products come in two variants, i.e. wired fencing for outdoors and wireless cat fences for indoors.
Choose collar size: After picking a suitable fencing system, you get to choose the collar size and colour.
Boundary cable length: You can enter the length of cable you require for your property or simply mention the acres of your property to let the professional do the calculation for wire length. This link will help you calculate what you need https://hiddenfence.com.au/design-your-hidden-cat-fence/

Installation: After selecting the model and the cable, you seethe final investmentbreakup. You can select between self-install or professional installation. Letting the expert install the fencing system for you is totally worth it. Experts are backed with the required skills, tools and knowledge to offer you the best solution. Hiring the experts also offers the benefits of training protocol and round the clock customer service.

Hidden Fence is a brand recognised by pet lovers across Australia for its highly efficient electric dog fence australia and wired solutions. Their fencing kits are easy to install and feature professional grade components. The offered solutions come with a lifetime warranty receiver collar. Visit the link below to order the best in the class of DIY electric cat fencing system from Hidden Fence.

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