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Элиас Канетти

Things to Consider When Getting a Fence for Your Cat

 No matter how many YouTube tutorials you watch, no matter how creative you  get with various reinforcements, there is no such thing as a cat-proof traditional fence. Cats are smart they can find a way to get out of the yard within minutes. On properties with  many gates, trees and other obstacles, it becomes difficult to design a cat-proof fence. The best and most successful way to contain your cat is an electric pet fence. 


Rather than spending time, energy and money on conventional fencing, you can try the new age pet containment solution. The wired fencing system has cables that are buried under the ground. With the help of a collar receiver, the system sends signals and keeps your pets contained. There are so many choices available for a cat fence. Finding the best one is quite challenging if you are new to it. Use the considerations  shared in this post to choose the best fencing for your cat.


How to find the best cat fence?


Pets love to play outdoors. If you wish that your cat never leaves the yard, then you need to make a secure containment system. There are a few important things that you should consider before investing:


What is the size of your yard?


The fencing system uses a transmitter to send radio signals. The signal coverage has to be top-notch to ensure safe and secure containment. If any area of your property receives a weak signal, there are chances of malfunction. The cat may find a secret spot to jump out of the property.  


To select the right product, consider the size of the yard and make sure that the containment system you are going to install is reliable and offers superior protection with strong radio signals. The following guide can help you calculate all the materials you need for your pet containment system https://hiddenfence.com.au/design-your-hidden-cat-fence/ 


Is there a product warranty?


To make a smart investment, compare different products based on the offered warranty. These systems feature hi-tech parts such as transmitters and receivers and buyers expect superior performance from them. 


So make sure you pick a model that offers a lifetime warranty.  and also come with a money back guarantee. Indeed, it is a smart choice to choose a brand that is so confident about its product.


Why choose a feature rich containment system?


A new age smart electric fence for cats comes with training tools, software and app enabled features. The add-ons make it easy to use a product and offer peace of mind that you are buying the best product for your pets.  


The comparison of the features should also include the  quality of the collar and the programmable correction levels. The level of customisation should offer ease of use and be adaptable for different breeds and ages. Feature rich containment systems provide versatile training options and an enhanced user experience.


Bottom line 


An electric fence for cat is trusted to have a 99.99% success rate. Equipped with smart features, the modern range of hi-tech fencing solutions is certainly the best thing for pet parents. If you are searching for a reliable model that has wider coverage, smart features and a lifetime warranty, then visit the link given below.  

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