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Рабби Мендл из Коцка

Vladimir Grigoryevich Galperin

 Galperin graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical and Mathematical Sciences of Moscow University in 1937 with honors. During his studies he worked at the Central Aero Hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), first in Moscow and then in Stachanowo (since 1947 Zhukovsky ), the new location of the ZAGI since 1935. Initial work on the aerodynamics , he published the mid-1930s. From 1937 to 1943 he planned and built the ZAGI high-speed T-106 wind tunnel . This work was the basis for his candidate dissertationfor technical sciences, which he defended in 1944. 1943-1945 he studied with Sergei Alexeyevich Christianovich , Ivan Pavlovich Gorski and Alexei Petrovich Kovalev , the flow conditions on wings at high speeds. [2] From the results of the airfoil behavior determined at supercritical speeds fundamental laws were derived. [3] [4] In 1945, he directed the construction of a new wind tunnel for the study of the airfoil behavior at the speed of sound . 1946 was the first time in this wind tunnel, the steady transition to supersonic speedrealized. With Christianovich and others he analyzed the observed laws. In 1947, the monograph on applied gas dynamics of Christianovich, Galperin, Mikhail Dmitrievich Millionschikov and LA Simonov appeared in two parts. [6] from 1948 to 1950 were built three new supersonic wind tunnels under Galperins line.

In 1951 Galperin was dismissed from the ZAGI as a result of the fight against cosmopolitanism and then from the Experimental Design Bureau OKB-670. After Stalin's death, Galperin became the lead designer of NPP Zvezda . From 1955 he headed the research department and developed inter alia ejection seats , which were installed in 1969 in all new Soviet aircraft. 1959-1961 he led the calculations and trials for the ejection seat of the spaceship Wolstok and participated in the preparation of the Gagarin flight. He led the development of a system for simulating spaceflightfor the cosmonaut Leonov and was involved in the development and testing of the security systems for the landing of the Soyuz spaceship . He developed a variety of test systems especially for spacesuits

В статье упоминаются люди:   Владимир Гальперин

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