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What is Atenolol Generic For?

 What is atenolol?

Atenolol, which is the generic form of Tenormin, is a beta-adrenergic blocker medication generally used to treat excessive blood pressure, angina, and heart-related chest pain in cats and dogs, as well as to lower their chance of having a heart attack. Additionally, it is applied to these animals to cure some abnormal heartbeats and prevent migraines.

A renowned vet who works at Pet Lab Joint Care argues that beta-blockers assist in the relaxation of an animal's blood vessels. This implies that the animal's heart doesn't have to work as hard. The medications also lower an animal's blood pressure and guard against heart attacks and cardiac damage.

A generic drug is an exact replica of the active ingredient in a brand-name drug. Although it usually costs less than brand-name medications, the generic is thought to be just as safe and effective as the original medication. If a veterinarian prescribes Tenormin and you find it beyond your budget, talk to them about the Atenolol generic.

The use of atenolol in cats and dogs

Atenolol generic, like other beta-blockers, is frequently recommended as a non-addictive anxiety drug. The medicine lessens the heart's response to adrenaline or epinephrine. As a result, some of the physical symptoms of anxiety, like shaking and an elevated heart rate, are lessened.

The use of atenolol in cats and dogs to treat heart diseases is "off label" or "extra label." "Off-label" refers to the prescription of a drug for a condition other than that for which it has been officially approved.

Contrarily, "extra-label" drug use occurs when a drug product is used in a way that differs slightly from how it is described on the label of the drug. It is necessary to abide by the veterinarian's directions and warnings in these instances because they may differ greatly from those on the label.

Veterinarians may recommend atenolol for systemic hypertension, premature ventricular contractions, and supraventricular tachyarrhythmia. Atenolol may also be prescribed to improve cardiac performance indirectly by reducing the heart rate and prolonging diastole, which allows more time for ventricular and coronary arterial filling.

Atenolol has a number of negative effects on the cardiovascular system, such as lowered blood pressure and slower AV conduction. Because it reduces myocardial oxygen demand, the drug can be used as a cardio-protective in cats and dogs during the early stages of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

For dogs that compete in United States diving dogs Agility Association (USDAA) and North America Diving Dogs (NADD) agility events, atenolol is most frequently combined with other cardiac anti-arrhythmic medications like Vetz-Petz Antinol. This enhances the canine body's natural ability to reduce inflammation while also maintaining mobility in the pet's joints.

In addition to these, a veterinarian may prescribe atenolol generic for the prevention of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, pre-eclampsia, ischemic heart disease, hypertensive renal disease, hypertensive retinopathy, and hypertension-related congestive heart failure.

Atenolol generic for dogs

If you're solely interested in canines, atenolol can also be used to treat conditions like pulmonic stenosis, subvalvular aortic stenosis, hypertension, and obstructive heart disease.

The medication may be combined with other medications, such as calcium channel blockers and ACEI medicines, to treat canine atrial fibrillation. It is frequently used with digoxin when treating canine atrial fibrillation.

Atenolol generic for cats

Cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract, and hypertension brought on by hyperthyroidism are all treated with atenolol.

Atenolol is not started in the treatment of HCM until the cat has been stabilized with diuretics. When cats with HCM are asymptomatic and early in the disease process, some veterinarians treat them as first-line patients with atenolol.

Atenolol side effects

Animals who are older or unstable due to heart illness are more likely to have adverse effects from atenolol. Bradycardia, conduction issues, hypotension, depression, appetite loss, and diarrhea are some of the more frequent adverse effects.

Need more information or help with atenolol generic, USDAA, or NADD?

The best place to start if you want additional details regarding atenolol, USDAA, or NADD is with your veterinarian. In particular, if you wish your dog to take part in USDAA and NADD activities, the veterinarian will help you get the contact details of resources where you may obtain additional information and support.

В статье упоминаются люди: Jackson Leo

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