Книга еврейской мудрости

День короток и работы много, и работники ленятся, и хозяин торопит, но Воздаяние велико.

Рабби Тарфон

Yakov Gilyarievich Etinger - Biography

Yakov Gilyarievich Etinger (Яков Гиляриевич Этингер; 1887-1951) was one of the physicians accused in the Doctor's Plot in 1952-1953, an alleged Zionist plot to kill off the Soviet leadership. Dr. Etinger was tortured by M. D. Ryumin, the Deputy Minister of State Security, who then reported to Minister Viktor Semyonovich Abakumov, who did not believe there was a plot although he and Ryumin were both present at a later interrogation of Dr. Etinger. Yet another interrogation in the presence of Abakumov was to follow the next morning, in Ryumin's hope to convince Abakumov that such a case existed, but Etinger died under interrogation during the night.

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В статье упоминаются люди:   Яаков Эттингер

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