Книга еврейской мудрости

...Не делай ближнему того, чего не желаешь себе, — в этом вся суть Торы. Остальное лишь толкование.


Zalman Mendelevich Mizzengendler Mizzengendler - Biography

- Time period (years): 22 - 25

- Living place: Leningrad,

- Occupation: student

- Interests: history, literature

- Quotes:

- Short story: 22 years old went volunteered to the front in II Wold War

In 1944 shot in the left arm, arm amputated at forearm.

Invalid from 25 years old.

Had alots of awards.

- Time period (years): 25 - 30

- Living place: Leningrad

- Occupation: study in University & Postgraduate studies (Aspirantura)

- Interests: history

- Quotes:

- Short story: Study in University in historical line & aspiranture

History teacher in skoole, postgraduate study in University

His master´s thesis was "Street fighting in Stalingrad", which theme he knows on his own, becouse he was fighting there & awarded for that Order of the Red Star.

- Time period (years): 30-35

- Living place: Kostroma

- Occupation: Professor /Teacher of Pedagogical Institute

- Interests: history,

- Quotes:

- Short story: active to create new study discipline in Institute.

Back to Leningrad with new wife & two little childrens.

- Time period (years):

- Living place:

- Occupation:

- Interests:

- Quotes:

- Short story:

Автор статьи: Galina Mizzengendler

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