Книга еврейской мудрости

Заурядный человек - для которого реально лишь то, что видимо, - помнит и запоминает лишь то, что сделано.

Лион Фейхтвангер

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Name: Mushya Tzetzik
Birth Date: 1850
Hebrew Birth Date: 03 Iyar 5610 /
Birth Place: Slotzk, Russia
Death Date: 02 Tamuz 5691
Burial Country: Israel
Spouse Name: Shmuel Noach
Father's Name: Yechezkel
Comments: Mother of Zeev Tzetzik


Name: Zeev (Wolf) Tzetzik
Birth Date: 1876
Birth Place: Slutzk, Russia
Death Date: 21 Av 5695
Burial Country: Israel
Father's Name: Shmuel Noach
Comments: For detailed biography see, "The Old Cemetery,Tel-Aviv" by Kroll and Linman, in most Israeli university libraries.


Vida Tzitzik
Hebrew Name: וידה
Name in Hebrew: וידה ציציק
Death Date: 7 Apr 1966 / יז ניסן תשכו
Burial Date: 7 Apr 1966
Burial Plot: יב ד 19
Burial Country: Israel
Father's Name: Nissim / נסים

Izrail Chechik 1898y.Pinsk + Fergana  дочь Стася 1923г. рождения, Пинск


Image Family Given Patronymic Year Sex Oblast Rayon Gorod Family Given Patronymic Oblast Rayon Gorod
CH/304 Chechik Boris Osherovich 1911 M Vitebskaia Vitebsk Чечик Борис Ошерович Витебская Витебск
CH/306 Chechik Elizaveta Natanovna 1916 F Moskva Чечик Елизавета Натановна Москва
CH/303 Chechik Evgeniia L'vovna 1890 F Moskva Чечик Евгения Львовна Москва
CH/308 Chechik Iakov Sergeyevich 1896 M USSR Khar'kov Чечик Яков Сергеевич УССР Харьков
CH/298 Chechik Izrail' Meyerovich 1898 M Pinskaia Pinsk Чечик Израиль Меерович Пинская Пинск
CH/314 Chechik Khaia Moiseyevna 1875 F Khar'kov Чечик Хая Моисеевна Харьков
CH/301 Chechik Meyer Aronovich 1905 M Khar'kov Чечик Меер Аронович Харьков
CH/299 Chechik Nina Semenovna 1898 F USSR Khar'kov Чечик Нина Семеновна УССР Харьков
CH/307 Chechik Rakhil' Borisovna 1887 F BSSR Turov Чечик Рахиль Борисовна БССР Туров
CH/300 Chechik Riva Markovna 1917 F Gomel' Чечик Рива Марковна Гомель
CH/313 Chechik Sara Solomonovna 1922 F Kiev Чечик Сара Соломоновна Киев
CH/310 Chechik Shlema Meyerovich 1901 M Polesskaia Zhitkovichi Чечик Шлема Меерович Полесская Житковичи
CH/309 Chechik Sonia Solomonovna 1922 F BSSR Shurov Чечик Соня Соломоновна БССР Шуров
CH/318 Chechik Sonia Solomonovna 1922 F Polesskaia Turov Чечик Соня Соломоновна Полесская Туров
CH/317 Chechik Stasia Izrailevna 1923 F BSSR Pinskaia Pinsk Чечик Стася Израйлевна БССР Пинская Пинск
CH/1712 Chechik Stasia Solomonovna 1916 F BSSR Turov Чечик Стася Соломоновна БССР Туров
CH/315 Chechik Tamara Mordukhovna 1902 F Polesskaia Zhitkovichi Чечик Тамара Мордуховна Полесская Житковичи
CH/312 Chechik Tsilia Shlemovna 1901 F BSSR Polesskaia Mozir Чечик Циля Шлемовна БССР Полесская Мозир
CH/311 Chechik Zelik Salomonov 1920 M Kiev Чечик Зелик Саломонов Киев


Search for Chechik

Vladimir Tsessik


-БАСМАТ (БАСЕМАТ)( еврейская энциклопедия. Брокгауз и Эфрон ) БАСЕМАТ - (תמשנ). — 1) Одна из жен Исава (Быт., 26, 34), названная "дочерью Элона хиттита". Но в Быт., 36, 2 женой Исава указана Ада, "дочь Элона хиттита", Б. же называется дочерью Исмаила и сестрой Небаиот. Самарянский текст Библии исправил это противоречие. — 2) Дочь Соломона и жена Ахимааца (I Цар., 4, 15). [J. E., II, 573—574].



First Name: Charitour Last Name: Basmat Ethnicity: Russian, Russian Last Place of Residence: Lanowes, Russia Date of Arrival: Aug 10, 1910 Age at Arrival: 26y Gender: M Marital Status: M Ship of Travel: Oceania Port of Departure: Trieste Manifest Line Number: 0007

First Name: Anna Last Name: Basmat Ethnicity: Russia, Polish Last Place of Residence: Lonemetz, Russia Date of Arrival: Jan 15, 1911 Age at Arrival: 11m Gender: F Marital Status: S Ship of Travel: Celtic Port of Departure: Liverpool Manifest Line Number: 0021

First Name: Maria Last Name: Basmat Ethnicity: Russia, Polish Last Place of Residence: Lonemetz, Russia Date of Arrival: Jan 15, 1911 Age at Arrival: 25y Gender: F Marital Status: M Ship of Travel: Celtic Port of Departure: Liverpool Manifest Line Number: 0020

First Name: Jan Last Name: Bachmat Ethnicity: Russia, Polish Last Place of Residence: Dawka, Russia Date of Arrival: Mar 29, 1907 Age at Arrival: 36y Gender: M Marital Status: M Ship of Travel: Wurzburg Port of Departure: Bremen Manifest Line Number: 0011

First Name: Mendel Leib Last Name: Bachmat Ethnicity: Russian, Hebrew Last Place of Residence: Jaffa Date of Arrival: Jun 10, 1906 Age at Arrival: 38y Gender: M Marital Status: M Ship of Travel: Saint Paul Port of Departure: Cherbourg, France

Manifest Line Number: 0002


Мок Жюль.    ( Брокгауз и Эфрон)

(Мoch) — французский военный и писатель (1829—1881). В качестве лейтенанта участвовал в Крымской кампании, в оккупации Рима и во франко-прусской войне. После войны занял место экзаменатора в Сен-Сирской школе. М. много писал по военным вопросам и принадлежал к так называемой молодой школе, стремившейся к полной реорганизации французской армии. М. был одним из основателей и вице-председателем "Военного клуба" и принимал деятельное участие в органе этого клуба "Le Bulletin".

Ср.: Gaston Moch, Sedan, les derniers coups de feu, 1885; Zadoc Kahn, Souvenirs et regrets, 121—125, 1898. [J. E., VIII, 637—638].

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
about Mikhel Leyba Minkliovitsh Mokil
Name: Mikhel Leyba Minkliovitsh Mokil
Birth Year: abt 1822
Page: 850
Registration: 1
Father: Abram
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Additional Revision List
Source: LVIA/515/25/273
Glue: Moletai1August18561

We didn’t find any strong matches, but these still might be helpful.

Information on old records is often different than you expect. You’ll find fewer relevant matches the further you go, but some might be helpful because we look for common misspellings, abbreviations, and close dates & locations. Learn more
Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Yudel Mokil
Birth Year: abt 1815
Page: 435
Registration: 24
Father: Gershen
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Additional Revision List
Source: LVIA/515/25/300
Glue: Moletai10June184524

See more
Name: Yudel Mokil
Birth: abt 1815
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Movsha Mokil
Birth: abt 1833
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Mikhel Leyba Minkliovitsh Mokil
Birth: abt 1822
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Godesa Minkliovitsh Mokil
Birth: abt 1824
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Meyer Yudel Mokil Galbershtat
Birth Year: abt 1837
Page: 856
Registration: 2
Father: Iosel
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Additional Revision List
Source: LVIA/515/25/273
Glue: Moletai25April18562

See more
Name: Meyer Yudel Mokil Galbershtat
Birth: abt 1837
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Yudel Mokil
Birth: abt 1815
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Khaya Mokil
Birth Year: abt 1814
Page: 274
Registration: 140
Father: David
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Former Registration: 280
Source: LVIA/515/25/285
Glue: Moletai26May1858140

See more
Name: Khaya Mokil
Birth: abt 1814
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Abram Mokil
Birth Year: abt 1840
Page: 274
Registration: 140
Father: Yudel
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Former Registration: 280
Source: LVIA/515/25/285
Glue: Moletai26May1858140

See more
Name: Abram Mokil
Birth: abt 1840
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Beyla Mokil
Page: 274
Registration: 140
Father: Yudel
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Former Registration: 280
Source: LVIA/515/25/285
Glue: Moletai26May1858140

See more
Name: Beyla Mokil
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Berko Mokil
Page: 276
Registration: 147
Father: Gershon
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Former Registration: 302
Source: LVIA/515/25/285
Glue: Moletai26May1858147

See more
Name: Berko Mokil
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Movsha Mokil
Birth Year: abt 1833
Page: 286
Registration: 193
Father: Yudel
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Former Registration: 24
Source: LVIA/515/25/285
Glue: Moletai26May1858193

See more
Name: Movsha Mokil
Birth: abt 1833
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Shora Liba Mokil
Birth Year: abt 1835
Page: 286
Registration: 193
Father: Zundel
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Former Registration: 24
Source: LVIA/515/25/285
Glue: Moletai26May1858193

See more
Name: Shora Liba Mokil
Birth: abt 1835
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Meer Yudel Mokil / Galbershtat
Birth Year: abt 1837
Page: 299
Registration: 249
Father: Iosel
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Former Registration: 2
Source: LVIA/515/25/285
Glue: Moletai26May1858249

See more
Name: Meer Yudel Mokil / Galbershtat
Birth: abt 1837
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Malka Mokil / Galbershtat
Birth Year: abt 1838
Page: 299
Registration: 249
Father: Meyer
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Former Registration: 2
Source: LVIA/515/25/285
Glue: Moletai26May1858249

See more
Name: Malka Mokil / Galbershtat
Birth: abt 1838
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Yudel Mokil
Birth Year: abt 1815
Page: 748
Registration: 280
Father: Gershon
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Source: LVIA/515/25/273
Glue: Moletai26October1850280

See more
Name: Yudel Mokil
Birth: abt 1815
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Khaya Mokil
Birth Year: abt 1814
Page: 748
Registration: 280
Father: Orel Movsha
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Source: LVIA/515/25/273
Glue: Moletai26October1850280

See more
Name: Khaya Mokil
Birth: abt 1814
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Abram Vulf Mokil
Page: 755
Registration: 335
Father: Movsha
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Source: LVIA/515/25/273
Glue: Moletai26October1850335

See more
Name: Abram Vulf Mokil
Departure: 1949
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Gershon Mokil
Page: 756
Registration: 339
Father: Yudel
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Source: LVIA/515/25/273
Glue: Moletai26October1850339

See more
Name: Gershon Mokil
Departure: 1848
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Gershon Mokil
Page: 717
Registration: 75
Father: Tsodik
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Source: LVIA/515/25/273
Glue: Moletai26October185075

See more
Name: Gershon Mokil
Departure: 1848
Residence: Moletai

Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Census & Voter Lists

Name: Yankel Yudel Mokil
Page: 717
Registration: 75
Father: Gershon
Location: Moletai, Vilnius, Vilnius
Revision Type: Revision List
Source: LVIA/515/25/273
Glue: Moletai26October185075

See more
Name: Yankel Yudel Mokil
Departure: 1849
Residence: Moletai

First Name: Minna
Last Name: Mokil
Ethnicity: Lithuan, Hebrew
Last Place of Residence: Berlin, Germany
Date of Arrival: Oct 02, 1923
Age at Arrival: 30y Gender: F Marital Status: S
Ship of Travel: Manchuria
Port of Departure: Hamburg
Manifest Line Number: 0030

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