Книга еврейской мудрости

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Кэтрин Маргарет МакАдам

Кэтрин Маргарет МакАдам

  • Комментарии
    Freud had divorced his first wife, Kitty Garman, in 1952, and he began his relationship with McAdam while she was studying fashion at St Martin's Art College, where Freud would occasionally sit in on life-drawing classes. 'Mum and Dad fell madly in love and set up home together in Notting Hill, but one baby came along after another and pretty soon the strain started showing,' Lucy says. McAdam was devastated when she discovered Freud was seeing other people – indeed, in 1953 he married socialite Lady Caroline Blackwood. Lucy's mother was a naive, conventeducated girl when she met Freud and was slow to realise that when he went off to 'paint' at night, he was with other women. When she found out he was constantly being unfaithful, she couldn't take the pain any more and she literally ran away from Lucian and home. The rest of the family grew up in a tower block on a council estate in Roehampton in South-West London, far away from the gilded life Freud's success would eventually buy him in Kensington. Coverley and another of Freud's long-term mistresses, Suzy Boyt, kept in touch with Freud and were able to call on him for financial help, but Lucy's mother refused to ask him for anything. Their children never saw him again as children.


Семейное древо

Кэтрин Маргарет МакАдам

( - 19981998 по н.с.
1997 по с.с.
5758 Еврейский

(Декабрь 8, 1922Декабрь 8, 1922 по н.с.
Ноябрь 25, 1922 по с.с.
Кислев 18, 5683 Еврейский
, Берлин - Июль 20, 2011Июль 20, 2011 по н.с.
Июль 7, 2011 по с.с.
Таммуз 18, 5771 Еврейский

(Февраль 24, 1958Февраль 24, 1958 по н.с.
Февраль 11, 1958 по с.с.
Адар 4, 5718 Еврейский
, Лондон - )

(Апрель 7, 1959Апрель 7, 1959 по н.с.
Март 25, 1959 по с.с.
Адар 2 28, 5719 Еврейский
, Лондон - )

(19611961 по н.с.
1960 по с.с.
5721 Еврейский
, Лондон - )

(19641964 по н.с.
1963 по с.с.
5724 Еврейский
- )


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