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Род Шор


Происхождение фамилии

Шор – знаменитая раввинская семья в Моравии и Польше, ведущая свое происхождение из Орлеана от рабби Иосефа Бехора Шора.

Фамилия Шор происходит от слова «шор», которое в переводе с иврита означает «бык» или «вол».

Первый представитель этой династии – Иосеф бен Ицхак Бехор Шор, выдающийся талмудист, живший в Орлеане во 2-й половине 12-го века. Добавление к его собственному имени – выражение «Бехор Шор» представляет собой цитату из Торы (Дварим 33:17), где Йосеф сравнивается с «перворожденным волом».

Иосеф Бехор Шор был автором известнейших...

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Варианты написания фамилии

  • Schor
  • Schore
  • Schorr
  • Shor
  • Shore
  • Shorr
  • Шoр
  • Шор
  • שור
  • Шорр

История рода и комментарии

Brief historical context

Mainly Jews started to settle in Bessarabia when it became part of the Russian Empire in 1812. Many came from Galicia, Ukraine, Poland, and other regions lured by tax incentives and other favorable rules. They brought with them special working skills, such as the ability to work on the land as farmers, and practiced various crafts and trades.
During the 1817 census, there were 3,826 Jewish families in Bessarabia (estimated at 19,000 people, or 4.2% of the total population). Over the next...

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The History of the Shor Family

All bearers of this surname are descendants of the famous rabbinic clan who since the middle Ages resided in many Jewish communities of France, Moravia, Galicia, Lithuania and Poland. The rabbinic Shor ("ox" – in Hebrew) family traces its origin back to Yosef ben Yitzhak Behor-Shor who was a renowned 12th century scholar of Orleans, a town south of Paris.
The clan's first representative - Yosef ben Yitzhak Behor Shor was born about 1140 and died about 1200. He was a distinguished French...

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The Shtetl of Foleshty (Făleşti)

The shtetl of Făleşti was a small village in the Balti (Beltz) District on the Beltz-Sculeni road. The shtetl was founded in 1792. In the beginning of the 19th century Făleşti was a part of the Yassy district (later the Balti district). In that period 176 Jewish families or 880 people lived in Făleşti.
The Jews were mainly merchants and craftsmen. A small number of them were in agriculture. They owned fields and vineyards. The merchants dealt in furs. Many Jews worked as laborers in the...

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История семьи Шор

Все носители этой фамилии являются представителями одного знаменитого раввинского рода Шор, чьи члены, начиная со Средних веков, проживали во многих еврейских общинах Франции, Моравии, Галиции, Литвы и Польши. Род ведёт свое происхождение от рава Йосефа hаНадива...

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