Remember that the days of your life are not many, for God answers in the joy of your heart.

Kohelet 5:19

Hart Lyon (Hirschel Levin)

Hart Lyon (Hirschel Levin)

  • Occupation types
    Social activity –
    activity connected with active work in society.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • politicians,
    • educators,
    • social activists,
    • rabbis, etc.
    Scholarly activity -
    activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.

    This type of activity includes following areas:

    • science,
    • philosophy,
    • theology, etc.
  • Tags
    Jewish, Famous jews,
  • Comments
    Раввин Hirschel Ben Arye Löb Levin - Главный раввин Великобритании и Берлина, раввин Хальберштадта и Мангейма, известный талмудист.
  • Information source
    английская википедия Гиршель Левин


Family tree

Hart Lyon (Hirschel Levin)

(17211721 Gregorian
1720 Julian
5481 Hebrew
, Zheshuv - August 26, 1800August 26, 1800 Gregorian
August 14, 1800 Julian
Elul 5, 5560 Hebrew

(about 1690about 1690 Gregorian
about 1689 Julian
about 5450 Hebrew
, Krakow - April 2, 1755April 2, 1755 Gregorian
March 22, 1755 Julian
Nisan 21, 5515 Hebrew
, Amsterdam)

(before 1701before 1701 Gregorian
before 1700 Julian
before 5461 Hebrew
- )

(17401740 Gregorian
1739 Julian
5500 Hebrew
, Glogau - November 16, 1794November 16, 1794 Gregorian
November 5, 1794 Julian
Cheshvan 23, 5555 Hebrew
, London)

(February 12, 1762February 12, 1762 Gregorian
February 1, 1762 Julian
Shevat 19, 5522 Hebrew
, London - October 31, 1842October 31, 1842 Gregorian
October 19, 1842 Julian
Cheshvan 27, 5603 Hebrew
, London)


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