...if not for fear of the government men would swallow each other alive.

Rabi Hanina ben Dosa

Uriel Goldstein

Uriel Goldstein

  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Artistic activity –
    activity related to art.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • painter,
    • poet,
    • composer,
    • writer, etc.
  • Comments
    Выпускник Петербургской консерватории, скрипач, дирижер, учитель музыки по классу скрипки, руководитель студии имени Шаляпина. В 1920-е гг., уехал в концертную поездку в Харбин; из которой в СССР он не вернулся. Uriel was a concert violinist and conductor. He took a Professorship in Music during his studies at the University of Berlin. Uriel and his second wife Vera Blufstein (nee Mandelshtam) met while teaching at a conservatory together. They formed two thirds of the Moscow Trio along with a cellist named Millstein before relocating to Harbin. Uriel's first wife was an opera singer named Rosa Dunayevskaya. They had a son named Pavel together. Pavel was a journalist who spent thirteen years imprisoned in Russia before emigrating to Israel.
  • Information source
    http://www.sakharov-center.ru/asfcd/auth/?t=author&i=13; http://www.vestnik.com/issues/2004/0804/win/shalit.htm


Family tree

Uriel Goldstein

( - New York)

(September 6, 1917September 6, 1917 Gregorian
August 24, 1917 Julian
Elul 19, 5677 Hebrew
, Yessentuki - March 10, 1982March 10, 1982 Gregorian
February 25, 1982 Julian
Adar 15, 5742 Hebrew
, Israel)

(Saratov - Tel Aviv)

(January 30, 1927January 30, 1927 Gregorian
January 17, 1927 Julian
Shevat 27, 5687 Hebrew
, Harbin - 19971997 Gregorian
1996 Julian
5757 Hebrew


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