If a triangle could speak, it would say... that God is eminently triangular, while a circle would say that the divine nature is eminently circular.

Baruch Spinoza

Gudel Adel Belopolskaya (Khazanova)

Gudel Adel Belopolskaya (Khazanova)

  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Socio-intellectual activity –

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • teacher,
    • lawyer,
    • doctor,
    • journalist, etc.
  • Tags
  • Comments
    Работала страховым агентом. Во время ВОВ была учительницей, эвакуировалась со школой в Уфу, после окончания войны была вызвана в Москву братом погибшего супруга Давидом.


Family tree

Gudel Adel Belopolskaya (Khazanova)

(February 25, 1900February 25, 1900 Gregorian
February 13, 1900 Julian
Adar 26, 5660 Hebrew
, Житомир - June 5, 1991June 5, 1991 Gregorian
May 23, 1991 Julian
Sivan 23, 5751 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(before 1880before 1880 Gregorian
before 1879 Julian
before 5640 Hebrew
- Moscow)

(before 1880before 1880 Gregorian
before 1879 Julian
before 5640 Hebrew
- )

(19081908 Gregorian
1907 Julian
5668 Hebrew
, Moscow - about September, 1941about September, 1941 Gregorian
about August, 1941 Julian
about Elul, 5701 Hebrew

(April 8, 1933April 8, 1933 Gregorian
March 26, 1933 Julian
Nisan 12, 5693 Hebrew
, Moscow - July 26, 2012July 26, 2012 Gregorian
July 13, 2012 Julian
Av 7, 5772 Hebrew
, Moscow)


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