In Jewish history there are no coincidences.

Elie Wiesel

Baruch Boris Belopolski

Baruch Boris Belopolski

Baruch Boris Belopolski
  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Production activity –
    product-oriented activity.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • craftsman,
    • skilled worker,
    • farmer, etc.
  • Tags
  • Comments
    Владел швейной мастерской. В оригинале (по свидетельству о рождении моей прабабушки) его звали Белопольский Борух Бендион-Нафтулиович, а в России звали Белопольский Борис Николаевич.
  • Information source
    Свидетельство о рождении его дочери


Family tree

Baruch Boris Belopolski

(before 1880before 1880 Gregorian
before 1879 Julian
before 5640 Hebrew
- Moscow)

(before 1860before 1860 Gregorian
before 1859 Julian
before 5620 Hebrew
- )

(before 1880before 1880 Gregorian
before 1879 Julian
before 5640 Hebrew
- )

(February 25, 1900February 25, 1900 Gregorian
February 13, 1900 Julian
Adar 26, 5660 Hebrew
, Житомир - June 5, 1991June 5, 1991 Gregorian
May 23, 1991 Julian
Sivan 23, 5751 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(about 1900about 1900 Gregorian
about 1899 Julian
about 5660 Hebrew
- Moscow)

(about 1900about 1900 Gregorian
about 1899 Julian
about 5660 Hebrew
- Moscow)

(about 1900about 1900 Gregorian
about 1899 Julian
about 5660 Hebrew
- )

(about 1900about 1900 Gregorian
about 1899 Julian
about 5660 Hebrew
- Paris)

(19121912 Gregorian
1911 Julian
5672 Hebrew
- Moscow)

(April 26, 1916April 26, 1916 Gregorian
April 13, 1916 Julian
Nisan 23, 5676 Hebrew
, Kiev - May 5, 1993May 5, 1993 Gregorian
April 22, 1993 Julian
Iyar 14, 5753 Hebrew
, Moscow)


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