Bezalel Cohen Katz
Bezalel Cohen Katz
about 1680about 1680 Gregorian
about 1679 Julian
about 5440 Hebrew Ostrog (Ostroh), Ukraine -
17171717 Gregorian
1716 Julian
5477 Hebrew Ostrog (Ostroh), Ukraine -
- Parents
- Partners
- Children

Occupation types
SocialSocial activity –
activity connected with active work in society.This type of activity includes following professions:
- politicians,
- educators,
- social activists,
- rabbis, etc.
Family tree
(about 1680about 1680 Gregorian
about 1679 Julian
about 5440 Hebrew, Ostrog - 17171717 Gregorian
1716 Julian
5477 Hebrew, Ostrog)
(16421642 Gregorian
1641 Julian
5402 Hebrew, Ostrog - 17191719 Gregorian
1718 Julian
5479 Hebrew, Konstantinopol, Istanbul,Byzantium, Constantinople)
(about 1710about 1710 Gregorian
about 1709 Julian
about 5470 Hebrew, Ostrog - 17741774 Gregorian
1773 Julian
5534 Hebrew, Ostrog)
(October 11, 1930October 11, 1930 Gregorian
September 28, 1930 Julian
Tishrei 19, 5691 Hebrew, Lyubertsy - )

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