Liza Markovsky
Liza Markovsky
before 1865before 1865 Gregorian
before 1864 Julian
before 5625 Hebrew - Parents
- Partners
- Children

имела с мужем продуктовую лавку на Румянцевской ул. в Гомеле
Family tree
(about 1825about 1825 Gregorian
about 1824 Julian
about 5585 Hebrew - about 1900about 1900 Gregorian
about 1899 Julian
about 5660 Hebrew, Novozybkov)
(about 1827about 1827 Gregorian
about 1826 Julian
about 5587 Hebrew - 19071907 Gregorian
1906 Julian
5667 Hebrew, Novozybkov)
(18971897 Gregorian
1896 Julian
5657 Hebrew - after 1971after 1971 Gregorian
after 1970 Julian
after 5731 Hebrew)
This information was published by the user
Itzhak Fouxon. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.

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