Suppose you succeed in breaking the wall with your head. And what, then, will you do in the next cell?

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Andrey Rumer

Andrey Rumer

  • Occupation types
    Technical activity –
    activity directed to the resolution of technological problems, in the broad sense.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • engineer,
    • technical designer,
    • technologist,
    • agriculturalist, etc.
  • Comments
    Педагог, научный сотрудник Института методов обучения АПН РСФСР, автор учебного пособия «Измерения на местности».
  • Information source


Family tree

Andrey Rumer

(February 14, 1911February 14, 1911 Gregorian
February 1, 1911 Julian
Shevat 16, 5671 Hebrew
- September 13, 2009September 13, 2009 Gregorian
August 31, 2009 Julian
Elul 24, 5769 Hebrew

(March 29, 1883March 29, 1883 Gregorian
March 17, 1883 Julian
Adar_2 20, 5643 Hebrew
- March 11, 1954March 11, 1954 Gregorian
February 26, 1954 Julian
Adar_2 6, 5714 Hebrew

(October 9, 1888October 9, 1888 Gregorian
September 27, 1888 Julian
Cheshvan 4, 5649 Hebrew
, Moscow - June 22, 1981June 22, 1981 Gregorian
June 9, 1981 Julian
Sivan 20, 5741 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(September 18, 1912September 18, 1912 Gregorian
September 5, 1912 Julian
Tishrei 7, 5673 Hebrew
- September 26, 1993September 26, 1993 Gregorian
September 13, 1993 Julian
Tishrei 11, 5754 Hebrew

(October 27, 1936October 27, 1936 Gregorian
October 14, 1936 Julian
Cheshvan 11, 5697 Hebrew
- )

(October 12, 1939October 12, 1939 Gregorian
September 29, 1939 Julian
Tishrei 29, 5700 Hebrew
- )


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