One man's candle is light for many.

Talmud, Shabbat

Samuel Abrabanel'

Samuel Abrabanel'

Samuel Abrabanel'
  • Occupation types
    Social activity –
    activity connected with active work in society.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • politicians,
    • educators,
    • social activists,
    • rabbis, etc.
    Enterprise -
    activity related to business and commercial work.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • manager,
    • businessman,
    • director,
    • high-level bureaucrat, etc.
  • Tags
    Jewish, Famous jews,
  • Comments
    младший сын Исаака Абрабанеля. В год изгнания из Испании отец послал его в Салоники, где юноша изучал Талмуд в Раввинской академии Иосифа Фаси. Возвратившись к своей родне в Италию, Самуил А. поселился в Неаполе и вскоре занял там место финансового агента при вице-короле доне Педро де Толедо. Свое большое состояние (оно оценивалось в двести тысяч золотых цекинов, около 800.000 рублей) он употреблял на благотворительные и просветительные цели. Современный ему поэт Самуил Ускве говорил, что А. заслуживает эпитета "трисмегист" (трижды великий), ибо он велик в учености, в родовитости и в богатстве. "Он великодушно употребляет свои богатства на помощь бедствующим единоверцам; он дает сиротам возможность вступить в брак, поддерживает нуждающихся, освобождает невольников". Современники дали А. титул "наси" (патриарх). Youngest son of Isaac Abravanel, and grandson of Judah; was born in 1473, at Lisbon. His father sent him to Salonica to pursue his Talmudic studies, where he became the pupil of Joseph Fasi. He lived at Naples, and was employed as financier by the viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo. He made the best possible use of his great wealth, which amounted to more than 200,000 gold zecchini or sequins (about $450,000). The poet Samuel Usque said that he deserved the surname "Tremegisto," that is, "thrice great": great in scholarship, great in name (ancestry), and great in wealth. "He generously employs his wealth in promoting the welfare of his coreligionists. He enables many orphans to marry, supports the needy, and endeavors strenuously to free captives, so that in him are combined all the great qualities which make one fitted for the gift of prophecy." By his contemporaries he was surnamed "Nasi" (Prince), and was much respected.
  • Information source
    ЕЭБЕ; Упоминается в книге “The Mediterranean and the Jews” (Editors: Elliott Horowitz and Moises Orfali) на стр.42

Family tree

Samuel Abrabanel'

(14731473 Gregorian
1473 Julian
5233 Hebrew
, Lisbon - 15511551 Gregorian
1551 Julian
5311 Hebrew
, Ferrara)

(14371437 Gregorian
1437 Julian
5197 Hebrew
, Lisbon - 15081508 Gregorian
1508 Julian
5268 Hebrew
, Venice)

( - 15521552 Gregorian
1552 Julian
5312 Hebrew
, Ferrara)


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